The Hidden Secret of AI Success: a PM approach



Despite the buzz around AI and its potential to revolutionize industries, a surprising 70-80% of AI projects fail. So, Why do so many AI initiatives, brimming with promise and potential, end up falling short? In this talk we explore the top reasons for these AI project failures, through real-world experiences and “ripped from the headlines” examples. We’ll share why many AI projects fail, and the practical ways to navigate these challenges for AI project success, highlighting the project manager’s role in AI projects. Furthermore, we’ll explain how emerging approaches to Trustworthy AI are helping to address a wide range of ethical and responsible AI challenges. As a way to avoid these common AI project failures, we’ll present the best practice for running and managing AI projects, the Cognitive Project Management for AI (CPMAI) approach. Attendees will learn how to do AI right by applying a step-wise approach/methodology for AI projects, including an AI project template that gives you a straightforward way to adapt CPMAI methodology to your AI projects, how CPMAI aligns with PMBOK, examples of how PMP and CPMAI enhance each other, and a real-world example.

Key Takeaways:

  • Identify the Top 10 Reasons behind AI Project Failures.
  • Embrace CPMAI as the Best Practice Approach for AI Project Management.
  • Engage with Case Studies Illustrating AI Project Failures and Successes.


1 PDU will be given for this session:

  •  0.5 PDU for Business Acumen
  •  0.5 PDU for Ways of Working

Presenter Bios:

Ronald Schmelzer, Managing Partner and Founder of Cognilytica, is a prominent figure in AI and data best practices, renowned for his role in developing the Cognitive Project Management for AI (CPMAI) methodology, widely adopted by Fortune 1000 firms, government agencies, and NGOs globally. As a CPMAI+E Certified professional and Lead Instructor, Ron is instrumental in disseminating CPMAI knowledge through courses and training. His leadership extends to chairing industry groups, co-hosting the AI Today podcast, and contributing to publications like Forbes and TechTarget. Prior to Cognilytica, Ron founded ZapThink, an industry analyst firm acquired by Dovel Technologies, showcasing his expertise in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Cloud Computing, and Enterprise Architecture. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where his undergraduate advisor was well-known AI researcher Rodney Brooks, and also received an MBA from Johns Hopkins University. Ron's influence spans the realms of AI project management and technological innovation.

Kathleen Walch, Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Cognilytica, is a trailblazer in AI and data-driven project management. Her pivotal role in developing the Cognitive Project Management for AI (CPMAI) methodology has led to its widespread adoption by leading firms and government agencies globally. With CPMAI becoming the gold standard for AI project management, Kathleen, as a CPMAI+E Certified Lead Instructor, shares her expertise through training sessions and courses. Her background in marketing and data analysis informs her dynamic presentations and thought leadership, reflected in her contributions to industry groups and organizations like ATARC and OECD. Kathleen's entrepreneurial journey, including her tech startup HourlyBee, underscores her commitment to innovation and efficiency. A graduate of Loyola University with a degree in Marketing, Kathleen's multifaceted expertise is evident in her role as a co-host of the AI Today podcast, a regular Forbes contributor, and a judge for the SXSW Innovation Awards.

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Type of category: Special Events

Date: July 17th, 2024

Hour: 6:00PM to 8:00PM

Registration close date: July 17th, 2024 at 12:00PM

# of PDUs: 1.0

Early Bird Price

Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free

