
PMP Exam Preparation Study Group Session - Updates!

As a result of the new PMP Exam Content and the introduction of the PMBOK 7th Edition, the Certification leadership has decided to launch the next Summer 2024 PMP Study Group Session starting July 2, 2024, concluding on Agust 20, 2024. This will allow every participant to have adequate time to study the PMBOK 7th Edition. Also to get familiarized with the new PMP Exam Content.


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A copy of the new PMP Exam Content is available for your use - please click on this link (PMP Exam Updates ( Also, if you are a registered member of the PMI, you are entitled to a FREE copy of the online version of the PMBOK 7th Edition. You can download a copy for your personal reading and preparation for the 2024 PMP Exam Preparation Study Group Session.


PMP Examination Contents/Study Guide

As stated on the PMI website (PMP Exam Updates (, the PMP Examination Contents has taken a new dimension and the PMBOK 7th Edition has been successfully incorporated into the examination contents. Immediately below is the difference between PMBOK 6th Edition and 7th Edition.


What is the difference between PMBOK 6 edition vs PMBOK 7th edition?

The PMBOK 6th edition contained 10 knowledge areas and 5 process groups. That has been replaced in the PMBOK 7th with 8 performance domains and 12 principles. The standards for project management which used to feature at the end of the PMBOK 6 has been moved to the beginning of this new PMBOK version. An additional separate section on tools has also been introduced in this version. The length of the PMBOK 7 has been shortened and is now roughly 1/5th the size of its 6th edition predecessor.


About the New PMP Exam

The PMP exam has evolved to meet today’s demands of the profession, organizations and people. It focuses on three domains:

  • PEOPLE – emphasizing the soft skills you need to effectively lead a project team in today's changing environment
  • PROCESS – reinforcing the technical aspects of successfully managing projects
  • BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT – highlighting the connection between projects and organizational strategy

Content that spans the value delivery spectrum, including predictive, agile and hybrid approaches, is now included across the three exam domains. 


The exam is comprised of:

  • 180 questions in total
  • 230 minutes to complete the exam
  • One additional break for a total of two 10-minute breaks for computer-based tests. No scheduled breaks for paper-based exams.
  • Questions will be a combination of multiple-choice, multiple responses, matching, hot area, and limited fill-in-the-blank. 


What is the PMINAC Study Group?

Open to all members* of the PMINAC Chapter, the PMINAC Study Group hosts 9-week study groups to help students prepare for the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) and Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. The Study Group is hosted and facilitated by PMINAC Volunteers who already have obtained their PMP certifications are experienced in the discipline of project management.


How does it work?

The study group is comprised of (1) In-person session and (8) Virtual sessions. Through the 9 weeks of study, PMINAC volunteer facilitators will provide overview presentations for each of the chapters in the PMBOK® - Sixth Edition to relay the foundation and basics to the students. Along the way, the facilitators will provide tips and tricks for the exam prep and highlight key learning areas. The tables are then turned during each session for the students to present the chapter to the class. Additionally, each session will have an exam at the beginning of the class where students test their knowledge and a 100-questions final exam on the last day as final preparation.

We will not be accepting any new registrations after the deadline date. No Exceptions. 


This study group is NOT an in-class training by instructors, but a highly interactive study group facilitated by PMINAC experienced volunteers and study group participants. The sessions are designed to assist in your study preparation to obtain your PMP® or CAPM®. You will be required to study all chapters of the PMBOK® - Sixth Edition over the 10 sessions and write the final exam.



Members: $125, including study materials and exam simulator.

Non Members: $140, including study materials and exam simulator.


Testimonials from participants

- “The success rate of the study group is amazing!! Thank you so much to you and your team for organizing the session and helping us succeed!
- “I am extremely grateful to the PMINAC team volunteers for spending their valuable time in helping and coaching each one of us to enable get through this exam successfully. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.”


Time Frame & Location: TBA


Eligibility Criteria and Registrations

* Online registrations will be published soon. Please ensure you fulfil both criteria prior to registering:
1. Your PMI number along with confirmation of PMINAC membership and

2. Eligibility letter from PMI indicating your acceptance to schedule the exam (Sample PMI Exam Eligibility)

3. Date and time you booked your exam

There will be 25 spots available and acceptance will be on a first come – first serve basis for those that meet and provide the above-noted pre-requisites - dates be announced.

If you have any questions, please contact Wilbur D'Mello (VP Certification) at if you have any questions or comments.  

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