2022 October Dinner Meeting
Topic: Why is Project Management Important in Healthcare?
Presentation Objectives: Describe and discuss:
1. growing need for project management in healthcare
2. project management methodologies and approaches applied to a healthcare project
3. skills required to become a good project manager
Location: NAIT PIC
10210 Princess Elizabeth Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5G 2R1
Speaker bio: Faisal Shafiq
Faisal Shafiq has been a dedicated member of the project management fraternity for over 20 years. Faisal is passionate about developing next-generation project management leaders and professionals seeking to enhance and expand opportunities throughout their professional journeys.
He runs a project management community of practice and a YouTube channel for project managers. He is also providing mentorship to early stage start-ups.
Faisal led projects and portfolios in healthcare for over 20 years in different countries, including 10 years with AHS-IT as a Senior PM. His depth of experience includes digital transformation, community engagement and improved patient health outcome projects.
Additionally, Faisal works as a project management consultant and provides support to organizations to leverage project management to accomplish their business goals. His consulting advice is based
on years of experience as a complex project delivery specialist.
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM Table Networking - only in-person
5:15 PM - 6:00 PM Chapter Business Portion
6:00 PM - 6:20 PM Dinner - break
6:20 PM - 7:15 PM Presentation
7:15 PM - 7:30 PM Questions and Closing
Members: $35 + GST
Non-Members: $55 + GST
Walk-ins: $55 + GST
Virtual: Link here!
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